Ebay! From USA--- something is a bit fishy with the postage. I purchased this through an ebay store--- since it was only $70 for shipping-- from the US. Actual shipping on the box was a bit over $50?!? My guess is they printed their own label based on weight, and the post office never caught on. I tried shipping a bike here when I moved, and it was well over $300-- since it was oversized. Anyway-- I don't care. I cannot buy anything like this locally right now. The same frame is cheaper on Speedgoat but costs much more in shipping.
It is exactly what I wanted-- track geometry, no unnecessary braze-ons, bosses, or cable stops, a size that fits, steel, and lightweight. Now I just need to build it up. Frame looks in good shape-- no need to chase, face, or ream anything (I hope!).
It amazed me that USPS parcel tracking tracked this right to my door---- in Norway! Sent an email when it arrived and everything.