I don't like St. Patrick's Day- never have. I will probably open a can of worms here, but if someone really needs to feel "proud" about being Irish, doesn't that speak to some sort of problem? You don't see the Belarusians making a huge issue about their ethnicity. There may be local Cuban or Kazakhstani days, but people aren't getting completely inebriated over it, like it is a humiliation they must endure. The St. Patricks's Day drinking is so bad that Armed Forces Radio ran ads all day reminding soldiers there would still be beer available on the 18th.
I hated being in St. Paul on the 17th. You would have thought it was ground zero for Saint Patrick- that he founded the city or something. I am not Irish and I had no desire to pretend to be.
Funny thing about life in Norway is that I completely forgot about it. I was reminded by the radio, but there was no evidence at all that the Irish even existed.
On this belated St. Patrick's Day post, I leave you with an Irish curse:
May the curse of Mary Malone and her nine blind illegitimate children
chase you so far over the hills of Damnation that the Lord himself can't find
you with a telescope.
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