An account of road biking, fixed gear, racing, commuting, and everything in between by an American living in Norway.
The other bikes reside elsewhere. The most frequent fliers are privileged to rest in the bike room.
When I get around to building up the purple Aeroheads, I can assure you that they will clash with everything. I am just waiting on some spokes, and I will lace it to the hub, hiding in the ice cream bucket.
There are other tires that may ride better than an Open Corsa, but few are so perfectly made. They don't even require levers to install.
Do I really need four unused saddles? Three handle bars- including two identical El Toros? Or course I do-- these are all out of production. It never hurts to have some high flange Record hubs lying around, or some spare quill stems, or that crazy SRAM corncob cassette. Hey, at least it has a 16t cog in there--- but can I really ride around in Norway with a 11-21? I could hardly manage Minnesota hills with those ratios.
I unpacked some boxed that were packed back in the US-- and have sat in storage ever since. I obsessively collect tires. I really don't know what else to say. Granted, we have 5 bikes that require road tires, and maybe have a two dozen wheels lying around. But still, it is pure excess that results in me having two pairs of unused Vittoria Open Corsas lying around-- as well as Veloflex, Pro Slicks, some random Continental, and some Hutchinson that I purchased for some inexplicable reason. I ended up dressing up the Ksyriums with red Open Corsas. The Veloflex are too fragile for anything other than racing. They shall wait until my hiatus concludes. I found three beautiful latex tubes, but the valve stems were too short for the Mavic rims. I could only find one valve extender. Some hop head probably swiped the other.
I am thinking I will ride with the Ksyrium SLs on the Look for awhile. They have been in semi-retirement after I used them exclusively for racing. Now that I no longer race, they have sat idle for a little over a year. I don't know how I feel about the 11-23 cassette with these hills, however.
It has been raining non-stop that past few days. The nice thing about commuting is that it forces me to ride. I wouldn't normally be caught dead riding in this abysmal weather. When it is really wet I take the mountain bike. One of these days I will fully document the carnage on the trails--- of the gigantic slugs that are run over and cannibalized by their peers. It is beyond disgusting.
Last night I had a tire patching party. It was just me and my imaginary mechanic posse. I had built up quite a flat collection. Apparently my mother-in-law inquired about it. My wife pointed out that the total quantity of tubes that most people own are actually already in use- in their tires. I guess I never considered that.
I was entertained for well over an hour as this spider eviscerated a fly. The spider had quite an elaborate web that did not fare too well in the photo. He/she spent the better part of the afternoon on dinner. I don't mind these spiders so much when they are out in the garden where they belong.
We had our annual family lunch at Flor og Fjære-- an island maybe a half hour by boat that is inexplicably set up like a tropical island-- right here in Norway. Apparently manipulating the wind has much to do with controlling the temperature. And to be fair, this place is only open half the year, and they use artificial means to keep some of the plants from being too cold in the winter. It truly is an amazing place-- if for no other reason than then challenges posed by having banana trees in Norway.
This ship travels twice the speed as the big ferry. It also had asigned seating. I much prefer it to the monstrosity we were rebooked on last week.
I tried to take photos of the car deck, but they didn't turn out so well. The car deck was entirely coated with what looked like aluminum foil and silver duct tape. I presume it was some fire retardant. It looked like a tacky high school drama set.
Last night we stayed in an old hotel in Denmark. Unlike women, some hotels take pride in advertising their age. This one probably should not- although it did. Its bathroom was larger than our entire hotel room at the last place we stayed- probably to make room for the bidet. I have no idea how they work. On second thought, I probably am better off not knowing.
Contents Copyright © 2007