Nice thing about an open-face stem like the Deda Murex is that I can easily swap out bars. I installed the Nitto wannabe. I didn't have a brake housing, so I thought I'd ride brakeless to the shop to buy one. It looked pretty hardcore with no brakes, no tape. Of course my wife is just too smart for her own good. She took one look at my bike as I was leaving and asked, "Where's your brakes?" I'm not really into the whole fixie brakeless scene- though I can handle it. Besides, this bike will eventually run geared with panniers. I'll enjoy its present incarnation while it lasts.

Moustach bars look so retro cool. I could never get mine to work just right, never got the whole stem length/height thing dialed in perfectly.
I've even taken cruiser bars and Nitto Albatross bars and just flipped them upsidedown and they become moustache-like bars.
They work great for me for things like Critical Mass and barhopping and city cruising, but for the day-in and day-out long commuter grind I never got them to work as good as Nitto Noodles. They sure do look cool though...
I found that the angle of the bars was a critical issue for me. I'm still using the same stem- though most sources suggest using a shorter stem with a bit of a rise... but that seems to be more from the Rivendell school of fit- which is a bit stodgy for me.
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