Come to think of it, I've never been harrassed by a Black, Mexican, or Asian... only whites... and I am white. God I hate white people!
An account of road biking, fixed gear, racing, commuting, and everything in between by an American living in Norway.
Contents Copyright © 2007
Here here!
I see Mexicans riding on the sidewalks all the time, and they are unhurried and unstressed and look like they are just taking it easy.
It's the white middle-management cellphone drivers that make my life hell. They can't respect a bike crossing and can't pay attention to the reality that is outside of their little bubble and I've seen 2 bikers get hit this year by suburbanite drivers at commuter bikepath/road crossings.
I commute by bike everyday. Through far NE Minneapolis. Lots of minorities pass me. But its the white folks that harass me. Yes, often in trucks (who needs a truck in the city?).
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