The weather was in the mid 40s, and the roads dry- what more could I ask for as we approach mid-December. I rode up to the highest point in Stavanger, a hill with a white radio/TV tower.

The final leg of the hill is straight up with no switchbacks, which really pushed my heart rate into the red zone.

Universitetet i Stavanger below.

My poor bike parked next to a miniature stonehenge.

Back to sea level.

The three swords momument- something about some king that united all the smaller kingdoms to created what became Norway- like a thousand years ago, but don't quote me.

I didn't see any red flag flying today, nor hear gun shots.

The tower, from a distance. It doesn't look very imposing from this angle.
Looks pretty!
Yeah... I think I'll survive. Still, it is strange that bikes are banned from certain roads and from the tunnels. Obviously it is safer that way, but I do miss wide American shoulders. Then again, plenty of US roads lack shoulders.
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