I've been "consulting" with a team of four riders from work that will be leaving tomorrow for the California AIDS ride. I'm heading to Alaska Friday, so I won't be riding. Anyway, one of the riders is still smoking. This completely confounds me. Unless you are Super Mario, thou shalt not smoke cigarettes and call yourself a serious biker. Than again, I don't know that a huge organized ride like that is really about biking.
I guess tomorrow I'm giving a demonstration showing how to pack a bike for a flight. I can't believe how much extra they have to pay to take their bikes on a domestic flight. Last year I carried mine free on NWA on a flight to Norway. It makes no sense, but who am I to complain? I'm thinking it is cheaper and easier to just rent mountain bikes in Alaska. Last I checked, Alaska was still part of the US (someone actually asked me if we needed passports to go there).
Best of luck to everyone in California. Stay safe... and remember, those are real mountains.
Hmm, I feel like a pretty serious biker, and I smoke like a chimney and drink like a fish... But the bike is a big part of who I am, and what I spend a lot of my money on. I ride year round, having done 20 mile routes well below zero just for the fun of it. I have scars from my pedals and chainring, have broken bones on the bike. My left leg now has a 16t cog that I can take the 16t cog off of my hub and line up with exactly...
That seems kind of serious about the biking to me...
Maybe serious racer or roadie would have been a better choice of words?
Anyways, cool blog. Maybe I'll end up running into you around here sometime.
- Jeremy
Fair enough... and I meant the post to be somewhat tongue-in-cheek, hence the Mario pic. It was a kind of anonymous "personal" jab derived from an ongoing annoying situation with a guy I work with.
The guy I was actually referring to had been trash-talking about me, my riding, etc. to some co-workers- even though he had never ridden with me. I generally save my competitive streak for actual races, but we ended up having it out riding up Ramsey Hill when we finally rode together. This rather highlighted his performance deficiencies, and for someone apparently focused on his performance, it seemed a bit odd that he didn't address his smoking.
I'm sure we will run into each other at some point. I contemplated trying to hook up with your Sunday ride, but having just returned from vacation, I had too many domestic obligations.
BTW- I like your blog as well.
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