Monday, January 16, 2006


Today I decided to be more proactive about the language, so I started emailing my boss in Norwegian. It is good practice, and these are easy messages. More importantly it shows my commitment to learn the language, so I feel less pressure from him and others. I made it through the management meeting- the four of us- the entire meeting all in Norwegian. I was lost during a big chunk of the meeting. Then it occured to me: this was all techno-mumbo-jumbo. I wouldn't understand if it were in English. And- it was my first meeting of the sort. Of course I should be a little lost.

I sent the contract that I wrote up to a business advisor that we will retain. He isn't a partner, but it is a start. He accepted the contract within an hour of my sending it. Another good sign. It is a result, albeit small.

Tomorrow I head to Oslo. This should be interesting. Initially I was leaving on a later flight than the others, and had to follow an elaborate set of directions to arrive at our destination. But a coworker changed plans, so I will not be alone. I will be out of touch until Wednesday.

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