Saturday, July 09, 2005

Hopkins Crit- Great Expectations

Tomorrow is the Hopkins Crit- my best results from last year for a ROY event were at Hopkins. I placed something like 6th or 8th. Last year, our team had the sandbagger to end all sandbaggers. He was way off the front. After a prime sprint, I found myself ahead of the pack with a Loon State (or was he with Tonka?) guy that I wasn't particularly fond of. He wanted me to help him work, but I was a bit idiotic and didn't really want to help chase down my own teammate. I really should have been more selfish. I quickly regretted my actions, as I don't think we could have ever caught him, and we did we were summarily nabbed by a chase group. I won't make the same mistake this year. Then again, we really don't have a team this year, and we definitely don't have any tactics. The other mistake I made last year was that I felt so good after the first race, that I decided to do an open master's race (in addition to the M 4/5). What a nightmare. It was insanely fast. It probably didn't help that my decision was a bit impulsive and my legs were already a bit cooked.

As if I'm not feeling old enough post-birthday, we'll be having the fifty-plus guys with us during our race tomorrow. I hope we don't start at the same time. I can't remember how this was handled last year.

I am really looking forward to this race. It is flat and non-technical- my specialty. Hopefully it is so fast that it wears down the sprinters.

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