Friday, July 01, 2005

This Is Getting Old

This morning, my wife and I commuted together- a first for us. It was overcast, but dry. Anyway, we encountered the penned off parking lot again. We moved a barricade and biked through the forbidden zone. As we were climbing over the fence on the opposite side, a rotund security guard waddled out of his car at the far end of the lot and yelled something at us that was lost in the wind. I smiled and waved, and yelled back. We resumed our commute and discussed tactics for our return trip home. I'll feel even more justified in my disobedience riding westbound, since it is illegal to ride against traffic.

I still can't figure out what is so special that they need to pay a security guard to watch the orange zone. There is no work occurring inside the area. I left another message for "Tom" of the city of Saint Paul, giving him a few more details highlighting the absurdity of the situation. My ordeal is almost over. I guess I just need to ride home, then maybe commute on Wednesday of next week, allegedly the last day of "parking lot closure."

1 comment:

Nathan said...

Good luck, brother - fight the good fight!