Monday, January 15, 2007

Random Thoughts

My brother has a blog. This was quite an accidental discovery. I would link to it, but unfortunately, it is quite dead. This is my petition to revive it. He is quite dry and witty, and has had a series of jobs that gives him a unique insight into human behavior. He is now starting a new federal job, so it could be a sensitive issue to share too much of his "insights." I am sure he is also going to be ridiculously busy getting settled in.

I also discovered a blog by a former coworker from the US. She is Swedish, and her husband from the US. They relocated to Sweden about a year ago. It is interesting reading about similar experiences in adjusting to living in another country.


augiepete said...

Well, let me know if it is still dead. I have elected to grant your request. All our love to you, your wife, and Baby Filtersweep!!!!!

filtersweep said...

(In my best C. Montgomery Burns imitation) --Excellent!