Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Moustache Bars Everywhere

I don't know how I'll ever be able to bike all winter. I was cold this morning. Actually, I overdressed, and disrobed above the Highway 5 Bridge near Fort Snelling. It was still a bit brisk. At least it was dry.

When I arrived at work, I noticed the rack support had come loose, that the disc that fits within the drop-out was AWOL. I knew I'd need to stop by the shop to pick up another.

Work was nothing but meetings- nonstop from 9am until 4pm. I was completely hypoglycemic by the time I could choke down lunch during the midday meeting. Oddly, I'm still contributing as much as ever- if not more. I'm sort of clinging to what remains of this job.

I couldn't wait to hit the road after work. I didn't get anything done, except attend all those meetings. I rode to downtown Saint Paul, and then headed up Grand to take Summit to the river. Near the Lake Street Bridge I decided to explore a strange road/path that appeared to descend toward the river. I had never been down there, so I followed the road, which turned into a path, then a series of catwalks over the Mississippi. It came out by the U of M Hospital, or what we in the business call the FU Medical Center (for Fairview-University). I rode up to Washington and headed to Freewheel Bike.

While at Freewheel, three other bikes with moustache bars arrived, and one even had a single chaining. One of the employees commented that one of her bikes had the same setup as mine. I headed to the commuter trail and encountered two more moustached bikes, then yet another on the Greenway. I don't know if I am just noticing them because I have one, or whether there is a sudden surge in their popularity. Tonight they were everywhere.


Anonymous said...

It's not just there they are popping up in ye olde melbourne town on a lot of singlespeeds as well.

filtersweep said...

It must be pandemic! ;)