Friday, December 30, 2005

Not in the U.S. of A.

This is a rather late entry, but since I encounter it almost daily, I feel compelled to post. When I was looking for work, Lise and I ate dinner with a friend from Minneapolis who has since moved to Oslo. We met two of her friends who currently live in Stavanger. One of them works at a barnehage, which is basically a Norwegian daycare. She said they needed more men working there. The road to our apartment passes a daycare. I frequently see a guy or two working there. Never in my life have I met a man who worked daycare or as a kindergarden teacher. A brief internet search turned up articles such as the provocatively titled, Gender 'Apartheid' of Childcare- and that article is from the UK. I'm not considering it as a career move, but it is an interesting phenomenon. I'm guessing many US parents would be afraid to send their child to a daycare staffed by even one man, that it would be bad for business.

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