Thursday, April 27, 2006

A Little Extra Work

Did you know the reason cough syrup tastes so bad is to discourage abuse? It is made that way by design. It isn't a bug, it is a feature. I guess the real question is why the leading cough suppressants are either hallucinigens (when taken in large enough quantities) or opiates. What do psychoactive substances have to do with coughing anyway? I haven't stooped to that level, but I have been fighting a cold or allergies or something and haven't felt that great lately.

This morning did not help. It was a struggle making it to work. Something did not feel right on the bike. I thought it was a neglected rear bearing, as I felt a subtle vibration. I was sweating profusely by the time I arrived, despite my efforts to "take it easy." When I parked my bike, I gave it a once over. My rear wheel had been rubbing against the rim all the way to work. No wonder I couldn't even coast downhill. That is what I get for riding an antique frame with horizontal dropouts.

At least I feel better already.

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